Look who’s back and this time…..

Recently we have been seeing evidence of Cassowary visitation around our orchard and along some of our tracks. From the size of the droppings we knew there was an adult bird as well as a younger although we had no idea if they were travelling together. This morning the mystery was revealed with two birds appearing outside our kitchen window as they picked around looking for some Jaboticaba fruit.

After taking a few photos through the window I ventured into the carport but the youngster was curious and walked towards me so I backed away to avoid any potential conflict with the male. The male appeared quite calm so we were not surprised to find, after comparing head shots of the bird who last visited in March ’22, that it is the same bird.

As the birds wandered away from the house towards the vegetable garden I took a couple of steps away from the carport for one last photo of them leaving – and that was one step too far for Mr Cassowary. In a flash his head was down and he was running towards me. I took off for shelter behind our outside shower screen then retreated to the house which allowed my heart rate to return to normal. The big birds left the house environs soon afterwards and I went on with my gardening pursuits later in the morning while keeping a watchful eye open just in case.

It doesn’t matter how many times I see them they are truly awesome.

4 responses to “Look who’s back and this time…..

  1. Richard Thompson

    How absolutely wonderful, it says so much about your dedication to the environment.

  2. Hi Barbara. How very wonderful to have the Cassowary back with young!! Glad you were “fleet of foot” !! I have not replied for a while because of various family crises taking up much of my time. I love your correspondence. Cheers Kay.

    • Hi Kay – we’re sorry to hear you’ve been coping with family crises but lovely to hear from you. My ‘reporting’ on events around the property has been rather poor for the last few years and I keep intending to do more as it often leads to further investigation and education. We never stop learning!

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