Category Archives: Josephine Falls

Away from our patch

Last week we happened to be in Ingham for a couple of days  so naturally we managed to visit the Tyto wetlands, in fact I spent quite a while there while Allen was attending a Wet Tropics Community Reference Panel.

And I did have the pleasure of meeting Tyto Tony and sharing some time with him on ‘his patch’.   He has recently mentioned Wandering Whistling ducks on the lagoons and there were lots about with ducklings of a variety of ages, plus several young Jacana, Intermediate Egret, Coots  AND a Little Bittern.   Then there were the bush birds to enjoy, particularly those gorgeous Crimson finches, Red-backed Fairy Wren and a delightful view of a white-browed Robin singing in the afternoon sun as Allen and I enjoyed a walk through the vegetation near the lagoon.  I’m not going to list every bird we saw and I’ll leave photos of Tyto to Tony as he does it so well but we had great fun and it was good to see that the birds are managing in spite of the evident cycone damage.

The Little Bronze-Cuckoo that landed in this tree decided not to stay ……….

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